Top Model Look

Stylize your face in just minutes

Es una exclusiva técnica estética no invasiva que consiste en realzar tus pómulos y perfilar todo el contorno mandibular, y gracias al ácido hialurónico mejora el aspecto de la piel de la cara ya que estimula la producción natural de colágeno y elastina. Con esté tratamiento notarás un antes y un después en tu rostro, conseguirás cambios notables de aspecto natural.

What does the Top Model Look consist of ?

When the cheekbones lose their tone, it considerably affects the facial features, highlighting the wrinkles of the nasolabial fold and adding years to the physical appearance of the person. It consists of injecting hyaluronic acid in the area of the cheekbones, above the bone structure, causing the tissues that are more superficial to recover the lost volume, eliminating flaccidity.

This technique is performed in a single session and lasts 15 minutes.


– It does not require rest.
– It lasts between 12 to 18 months.
– It is performed in a single session.
– The results are immediate
– Cheekbones marking.
– Lifting effect on the face.


Preguntas frecuentes

Does it have side effects?

Cheek filler does not have any side effects except for small local inflammatory reactions that may be accompanied by irritation, however their occurrence is temporary and passes quickly.

Is the treatment safe?

For those who wish to achieve a very voluminous lip, we suggest two appointments. In the first session I place 1ml of hyaluronic acid and in the second appointment 1ml plus a maximum to allow the tissues to expand slowly and naturally and achieve the best result without creating lumps, bumps or irregularities.

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