Código de barras

What is the barcode?

Es un procedimiento para eliminar el código de barras inyectado sobre el borde del labio superior ácido hialurónico, pues normalmente, estas arrugas tienden a formarse entre la nariz y el labio. Con esto no solo se logra estirar, hidratar y eliminar todas las arrugas formadas en esta zona con el paso del tiempo, sino también perfilar los labios.

Hyaluronic acid is injected, by means of micro-needles, in the depressed area formed by muscle contraction just under the skin where the wrinkle is, achieving a visible reduction of wrinkles. The effects of this procedure will last for approximately one year from the time the hyaluronic acid is applied to the barcode area. It is also minimally invasive and is performed under local anesthesia, which makes it a very painless procedure.


  • Improve the elasticity of the treated area.
  • Attenuate the wrinkles of the upper lip.
  • Improve skin firmness.
  • Rejuvenate facial expression.


Preguntas frecuentes

Are there any side effects?

The procedure does not have any side effects except for slight discomfort in the area after the treatment, but these are mild and will pass quickly.

Post Treatment Recommendations

  • Maintain constant hydration during the first 72 hours.
  • Perform gentle massage from the third day on, in case you feel lumps.
  • Do not drink beverages in bottles or straws during the first 48 hours.
  • Avoid smoking.

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