Bioestimulador de colágeno en cara y cuello

Combats facial flaccidity from the inside out

Es una nueva y revolucionaria terapia antiaging no quirúrgica para combatir los signos del envejecimiento como la flacidez y para elevar las estructuras faciales. Al colocar los bioestimualdores en la capa debajo de la piel tratamos el rostro y cuello desde el interior y además estimulamos la activación del colágeno tipo 1 (Colágeno de la juventud, la cual la dejamos de producir a partir de los 25 años), retardando el envejecimiento notoriamente.


Stimulates collagen activation in the skin

The firming effect on face and neck is immediate. In addition, the improvement increases 30 days after the session and consolidates 3 months after the session. The results of this treatment to firm the face and neck vary according to the age of the patient, the level of flaccidity and the quality of the skin.


  • Disguises small wrinkles.
  • Lifts parts of the face.
  • Generates the production of collagen and elastin, which improves the appearance and support of tissues.
  • Activates microcirculation in the area, increasing collagen synthesis and cell regeneration.


Preguntas frecuentes

How many sessions are required?

The number, frequency and duration of sessions is merely indicative, and may depend on multiple factors such as age, sex, skin type, among others.

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